Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Ida Bazonoona

You know it's been too long when you can't remember your own blogger account password.

Just wanted to let you know that Ida has finished her U.S. tour and is back home safe and sound. She was like a rock star during her time here. She really connected with Americans as she tried hard to understand our crazy culture. As she put it, we live at a "terrible speed." And Americans loved her as they learned and heard first hand of what life is like in Africa. She has lived through many good and bad events in her life and her faith shines brighter than ever.

If you didn't get a chance to meet her, you can hear my interview of her at Memorial Drive Church here and click on the April 15 sermon link. It went way too fast and I realized later that we didn't even get a chance to share basic information about her life like the unfortunate fact that she has had six brothers die of AIDS and one die to Idi Amin's men.

One big disclaimer about my movie recommendation from that morning, The Last King of Scotland. I learned from some shocked church members later that it does have some inappropriate scenes. So if you watch it make sure you have your fast forward button handy! The big lesson for me - don't recommend a movie to a church based on anyone else's recommendation and before watching it yourself! I still haven't had time to go rent and watch it. (But I did watch Blood Diamond the other night and would recommend it if you're able to handle some graphic violence although it's not as graphically violent as other movies I've seen.)

I've said it many times before. It is close relationships with people like Ida and the late Moses Kimeze and many other African friends that inspire my continued involvement over there and with the Kibo Group. We Americans have a lot of money. Africans have a lot of poverty and they live in graphically violent situations all the time. In the midst of all the problems, there are so many gifted individuals / communities in Africa that just need some opportunities. We can give them more life opportunities through the Kibo Group.


At 6:10 AM, Blogger Transformational Business said...

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At 6:16 PM, Blogger DJT said...

OK my inspirational friend, you have been tagged. See my blog for this "interesting" game.

At 4:48 PM, Blogger Danna said...

Seriously, it's time to update your blog! She's about to come to the US for a SECOND time!!! ;o)

At 9:15 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Brother Davis,

My name is Shawn Gardner. I live and work in Nampula, Mozambique. I am a member of Good News for Africa. We have six Harding graduate families working with our mission. You may know of them. Sam Shoemaker is well acquainted with them. They are our good friends and fellow servants. I've been in the city of Nampula for about 7 years and God has been stretching me to integrate business with our mission work. Also, our Yao team, the Holtons and Caldwells- both went to Harding- are doing an excellent work in Lichinga. If you would like to read about their work, go to our website ( and then go to our links and find the Yao team.

The purpose of introducing myself to you and attempting to show some common linkage is that I would like to know if you would be willing to communicate with us about what we are trying to do in Mozambique. I found out about you at I am currently involved in doing nearly precisely what you did through the Source in Uganda. I would appreciate being able to discuss some issues from time to time with someone like you. And I'm betting that if we were to develop some form of relationship like that, that the Lord would arrange for you to visit us sometime. Your visit could be very helpful. Like I said, we have six Harding families here and I'm doing something very similar to your work in Uganda. I would love to establish some communication with you. Please let me know if you get this post and if you would be interested in my proposal.


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